Joints, muscular system, bone health
In today’s society, we see contrary developments: a trend towards longer life expectancy and increased participation in sports alongside another trend towards lack of exercise and overweight. The human mobility and supporting apparatus is now subjected to greater stresses than ever before, and the consequences are often injury and premature wear that cannot be left untreated. At the same time, the prospects for repairing the resulting damage have never been better. In many cases, a significant improvement can be achieved with a careful investigation of the cause followed by conservative treatment. The Institute for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Döbling Private Hospital is a renowned leader in this field.
The attending physicians at the hospital also have extensive experience in diagnostic and therapeutic arthroscopy (removal/preservation of damaged tissue via joint endoscopy). If a joint replacement is unavoidable, patients will find themselves in the best hands with our experienced specialists. Our hospital offers additional options for specialized treatment at the Center of Expertise for Sports Injuries.
Our most frequently provided services
- Diagnosis and treatment of problems resulting from injury, wear or inflammation of knees, hips and shoulders, ankles and elbows, hands and feet as well as the entire spinal column
- Physiotherapeutic consultations and treatment
- Arthroscopic operations for knees, hips, shoulders and ankle joints
- Arthroscopy (joint endoscopy):
- Partial meniscectomy & meniscal suturing (refixation)
- Cartilage smoothing or replacement
- Reconstruction of the cruciate and collateral ligaments
- Stabilization of an unstable kneecap - Artificial knee replacement
- Conservative treatments, including physiotherapy and pain management
- Arthroscopic hip surgery
- Artificial hip replacement
- Capsule and ligament reconstruction of the shoulder joint
- Resection/reconstruction of the acromioclavicular joint (AC joint)
- Subacromial decompression
- Removal of calcareous deposits
- Refixation of the biceps tendon
- Artificial shoulder replacement
Other treatments:
- All forms of hand surgery
- Ankle joint: Reconstruction of the collateral ligaments, cartilage smoothing/reconstruction
- Diagnosis and treatment of hallux valgus & hammertoes
- Flat foot, hollow foot or club foot operations
- Arthrolysis, arthroplasty, arthrodesis
- Broken bones – osteosynthesis
- Osteitis & osteomyelitis
- Spinal column – prolapsed disks
Please contact our attending physicians for an initial consultation!
All medical specialists for Orthopaedics and traumatology
All medical specialists for Trauma surgery
- Dr. Sebastian Bachl
- OA Dr. Herwig Bauer
- Dr. Andreas Birner
- Dr. Lukas Brandner
- Dr. Heinz Brenner
- Dr. Thomas Draskovits
- Dr. Shady El-Marto
- Dr. Sven Thomas Falle-Mair
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Markus Figl
- OA Dr. Florian Frisee
- Prim. Univ.-Doz. Dr. Titus Gaudernak
- Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Marcus Hofbauer
- Dr. Johannes Holinka
- Dr. Florian Ingruber
- Dr. Pamela Jahn
- Prof. Dr. Andreas Janousek
- Dr. Richard Kellner
- OA Dr. Alexander Peter Kmen
- Dr. Sun-Liang Lie
- Prim. Dr. Franz Menschik
- Dr. Alexander Mildner
- Dr. Bahram Mossawat
- Dr. Bujar Muqolli
- Dr. Fisnik Muqolli
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Lukas Leopold Negrin
- Prim. Prof. Dr. Roland Oppolzer
- Dr. Yves Schaden
- Prim. Dr. Maximilian Schmidt
- Dr. Arthur Schultz
- Dr. Markus Seltenheim
- OA Dr. Ralf Spitaler
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. David Stelzeneder
- Dr. Daniel Sternal
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Patrick Weninger
- MR Prim. Dr. Rudolf Widhalm
- Dr. Markus Wipperich
- Priv.-Doz. Dr. Harald Wolf
- Dr. Martin Chochole
- OÄ Dr. Sonja El-Schahawi
- Dr. Gerald Gudernatsch
- DDr. Gabriel Halát
- Prim. Dr. Wolfgang Hintringer
- Prim. Dr. Christoph Holzer
- Dr. Josef Jurkowitsch
- OA Dr. Axel Kaulich
- Dr. Zahra S. Naeimi
- Prim. Dr. Andreas Pachucki
- Dr. Philipp Reb
- OÄ Dr. Andrea Schweitzer-Ehrenreich
- Dr. Gerhild Thalhammer
- Dr. Philipp Trost
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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Marlovits, MBA talks about orthopedic surgery
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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Marlovits, MBA talks about sports traumatology
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Prof. Dr. Andreas Janousek talks about meniscus injuiries
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OA Dr. Florian Frisee talk about knee replacement
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Ass.-Prof. Dr. Klaus Schatz talks about shoulder surgery
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Dr. Hermann Leidolf talks about hallux valgus treatment